Introducing Ashley Rojas

Ashley Rojas
3 min readAug 24, 2020


Hello, everyone! I am a junior majoring in economics (B.S) with a minor in law and society. I am 20 years old and I am from Charleston, South Carolina. These last couple of months have been a whirlwind with the pandemic, and although it has been very stressful, I feel like it was a great opportunity to focus in on myself and grow. During quarantine my boyfriend got a puppy, and well, since I am his girlfriend, the puppy is technically mine as well… right?

This is Samson Kobe Tate, yes, named after one of the greatest basketball players of all time! We got this sweet baby when he was 6 weeks old.

Before Samson, I had never had a pet dog, so this was a very new experience for me. However, since on campus classes were cancelled and we went virtual, I was able to be with him everyday and see him learn and grow so much — he is a lab. He is currently away at obedience training for 7 weeks, but he will be done in a week or two!

This summer I was also accepted into the American Economics Association Summer Program at Michigan State University. This is a rigorous, competitive 8-week training program that trains and prepares minorities for the first year of PhD school for economics. Because of COVID however, it took place virtually. Although I am not sure if I want to go for a PhD, it definitely strengthen my math and econ skills, and I was also able to virtually meet some of the top economists in the country! I was also awarded the Valedictorian award for the program.

Valedictorian for the Foundations level of the AEASP 2020

Although I am not sure if I want to go to PhD school, I decided to enroll in calculus 3 although it is not required for my major. More knowledge in math is always better, so although I will probably regret this decision on the first day f calc class, I want to strengthen my math even further.

I am also considering law school, as I feel very passionate about social issues, especially those surrounding immigration issues. I would love to talk to someone who is pre-law!

As you can probably guess, I am pretty exhausted from all of the work I did this summer, however, I am very excited for this class! Here’s one last picture of my big baby!



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